ATC Supervisor – Aquaculture Module

Introduction to aquaculture module.

The aquaculture module can be used in all types of fish culture systems like aquariums, hatcheries egg tumblers, fish tanks, fish ponds and fish cages.

The module structure are very sophisticated in order to be adaptive in every installation type. The main object at the aquaculture module is the facility. The facility represents a virtual place that contains the fish culture equipment and can be a store with lot of aquariums, a hatcheries with an egg tumblers or small farms with ponds or tanks. 

Each facility support a large number of elements like culture object, pumps, aerators, air blowers, UV filters, drum filters, air blowers, water quality monitoring etc. The fish culture objects represents the physical fish culture method and can be an aquarium, egg tumblers, fish tanks, fish ponds or fish cage. The facility support up to 220 fish culture objects and can handle different fish culture objects in the same facility. For example, a company may have 5 egg tumblers, 25 aquariums, 10 fish tanks and 5 fish ponds. The total number of used fish culture object is 45 of the 220.

The Aquaculture module in details

With few click user can activate a facility and the define the culture objects on the facility positions. The culture object can a fish tank, fish pond, fish cage, aquarium or hatchery egg tumblers.

Editing each culture object position is an easy task. Depending of the declaration of each position culture object, the appropriate configuration dialog opens. Just assign Tags and culture parameters.

The air blower or aerators configuration is easy task. Just select the type of the air blower or aerator and assign the Tags to each air blower or aerator properties.

Recirculation and wells pumps can easily configured with VFD or ON-OFF control.  Just select the type of the pump and assign the Tags to each pump properties.

Drum filter can easily configured in the aquaculture module. Just select the type of the drum filters and assign the Tags to each drum filter properties.

UV filter can easily configured in the aquaculture module. Just select the type of the UV filter and assign the Tags to each UV filter properties.

Water quality parameters can read from probes automatic or measured from farm staff and entered manually. In case of probe failure, the operator can switch to manual entries. When the damaged probe is replaced, the operator switch back to automatic measurements. With this special functionality the water quality monitoring is an easy procedure. The module support up to 6 measuring point in your system. 

Fish feed manager can help you to manage the fish feed stock and provide info to various internal calculation mechanism like FCR or nitrogen budget calculator. In addition the fish feed manager can help you with traceability.

Putting all configuration together in runtime. With few clicks you can monitor and control everything in your system.